We'd love your feedback!

Program Advisory Committees

MTTI Program Advisory Committees

A chance for local employers to help shape our curriculum to best fit the needs of today's workplace!
Local Employers are welcomed to join our Program Advisory Committee (PAC) for their industry. It is not necessary for you to have a role in hiring, or for your organization to be actively recruiting, to attend the Advisory Committee Meetings. As an industry professional or human resource specialist, your suggestions and recommendations are very important to the future development of these programs. You may want to attend if you’d like to:
  • Meet the Instructors and Staff, view the classrooms and equipment, and review a program’s curriculum
  • Consider having interns at your work site
  • Work (now or in the future) with Career Services to fill entry-level positions within your organization
  • Contribute to the ongoing development of curriculum for training programs at MTTI
  • Be part of a collegial group that has a personal interest in educating workers for your industry 
  • Network with other industry professionals (bring your business cards and brochures!) 
Program Advisory Committees for each program are held annually.

For more information, please contact Career Services:

Erin Proctor / eproctor@mtti.edu
508-336-6611 x112
Automotive Service Technician,  HVAC/R Technician,  Motorcycle/Power Equipment Technician

Shawn Barnes / sbarnes@mtti.edu
508-336-6611 x113
Medical Assistant,  Medical Billing & Coding / Office Administration,  Residential and Commercial Electrician

Sandra Umbdenstock  / sumbdenstock@mtti.edu
508-336-6611 x107
Computer Service Technician/Network Installer,  Building & Property Trades