Why Choose MTTI?

About Us > Why Choose MTTI?

Why Choose MTTI?

Many people choose MTTI because they know someone who has graduated from the school, or an employer who has hired an MTTI graduate.

Traditionally, the larger proportion of our student population has been made up of people who have been referred by others. Those who saw an advertisement or noticed the school while driving by, tell us how comfortable they felt when they first walked through the door, and that everyone they met was friendly and helpful .

They are surprised when we take them right into the classroom during their tour of the school, and invite them to experience an entire day at MTTI, by attending Guest Day.

What is ‘Guest Day’?

It’s a unique opportunity to visit the classroom and shop/lab in the program of your choice. In addition to observing current students working hands-on, guests can actively participate in classroom activities. This is a valuable opportunity for you to talk with the instructor and students enrolled in training programs at MTTI.

Students who choose to enroll after visiting the school tell us they enjoy the same friendly, helpful and supportive environment throughout their program. They say that the training is serious and intense, but also fun.  Graduates appreciate not only the wealth of knowledge and skills they learn, but also the camaraderie they experience with their classmates, some of whom become life-long friends.

Why do people choose MTTI? 

When you compare MTTI with other schools, consider the information listed below. As you explore the website, you’ll see photos taken in the classrooms, shops and labs of actual MTTI students and staff. Read Graduates’ Success Stories to learn more about the career paths in the fields or industries that interest you. Then contact us to talk with our Admissions Representatives. We invite you to spend one day with us to see if training at MTTI is right for you. We look forward to hearing why you chose MTTI!

Short term training encourages a quicker path to potential employment:

  • 30-week daytime / 75 week evening programs equate to approximately two years of traditional college 
  • Smaller classes 
  • Close-knit family-like atmosphere 
  • Instructors who have extensive industry experience–and care about students’ success
  • No unrelated academics
  • Balance of training-related academics with hands-on skills required in the workplace 
  • Internship with a company/organization in a training-related field or industry
  • Internship & job-search assistance from Career Services throughout the program and after graduation
  • Financial Aid for those who qualify 
Life is much more fun doing something you enjoy!

Contact us for more information, or to schedule a tour.